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Project Aims


1. Positive sense of self

2. Self- control

3. Decision-making skills

4. A moral system of belief

5. Social connectedness

6. Child development

7. Fun

Our Invest In Our Youth project provides educational functional health, fitness and nutrition in a youth centered space. This entails a combination of youth inspired exercises, games, activities, fun and education.

We focus on child development, and improving physical & mental health, with the aim of becoming more active. Benefits of physical activities:

  •  Improves your brain health,

  • Weight management

  • Reduces the risk of disease

  • Strengthen bones and muscles.

  • Improve ability to do everyday activities.

 Invest In Our Youth incorporates health & fitness with education, enabling our youth to gain an understanding of:

1. How The Body Works.

2. How Good Nutrition Can Aid a  Healthy Mind and Body. 

3. How To Implement A Health Routine Into Everyday Life.

4.Life Skills

Invest In Our Youth: Take Action
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Reduce screen time for our youth

 Join our our youth club and take part in a number of fun, interactive and engaging actives. Build social skills, life skills in a safe, warm environment.

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